Comparison Chart

Comparison Analysis With Other

Rockrete Pavers

  1. 4000-7000 Psi (NED Test report attached)
  2. Colored
  3. Textured Surface
  4. Resistance to fungal attacks
  5. Non Porous
  6. Beautiful Design
  7. Resistant to Subsoil saline water
  8. Consistent Dimensions
  9. Low Installation Time
  10. Looks New Fresh and Glossy all the time
  11. Ideal outdoor flooring which is washable &Stains of Paan and other Tobacco can be removed.

Normal Pavers

  1. 3000 Psi
  2. Non-Colored
  3. Non Textured
  4. Prone to Fungal attack
  5. Porous
  6. Normal Old Design
  7. Non – Resistance To Subsoil saline water.
  8. Varied Dimensions
  9. Takes Long time for Installation and Lay
  10. Looks old, rugged and stained immediately after installation.
  11. Cannot be Removed